Afriforum pak munisipaliteit steeds oor riool

Afriforum stamp steeds koppe met munisipaliteit oor rioolstortings
Daar is reeds vir dekades lank daar ernstige gesondheids- en omgewingsprobleme met riool wat in Stellenbosch se riviere beland, spesifiek in die ikoniese Eersterivier.
Aanvanklik is die navorsing hiervoor hoofsaaklik gedryf deur die internasionaal bekende epidemioloog, dr Jo Barnes van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Vir haar enorme bydrae het sy onder meer die gesogte Disa-toekenning van die Wes-Kaapse provinsiale regering gekry.
Na dr Barnes se aftrede het AfriForum se Stellenbosch-tak al hoe meer klagtes van grootskaalse rioolstortings van boere en oewerbewoners begin ontvang. Klagtes het ook gekom van plaasbewoners se kinders wat op warm dae in die Eersterivier gaan speel het, onbewus van die gesondheidsrisiko’s.
Op inisiatief van AfriForum se Stellenbosch-tak, is hierdie kwessie herhaaldelik met die munisipaliteit opgeneem. Maar soos voorheen met dr Barnes, was die munisipale woordvoerder se reaksie dat dit as gevolg was van groepies hawelose mense wat langs riviere slaap.
Dit is egter as onsinnig bewys toe etlike videos van AfriForum Stellenbosch gepubliseer het.
Beeldmateriaal het duidelik gewys hoe ‘n sterk stroom donker, stinkende rou riool uit die Veldwaghtersrivier in die Eersterivier invloei. Dit was onteenseglik afkomstig van die munisipaliteit se rioolaanleg wat na die Veldwaghtersrivier afgelei word.
Ingenieurs wat na die videos gekyk het, het beraam dat duisende kubieke meter rou riool in die Eersterivier moes beland het. Dit was net onmoontlik dat klein groepies haweloses soveel riool kon produseer.
Nogtans het die munisipaliteit volgehou dat daar geen betekenisvolle probleme by die rioolaanleg is nie. Daar is aangevoer dat die aanleg modern en feitlik nuut was nadat R1,3 miljard spandeer is vir opgraderings, die grootste bedrag wat die munisipaliteit nog ooit aan infrastruktuur bestee het.
Dit was steeds die misterie van the waste watertreatment works, that doesn’t work. En jare later is die munisipaliteit nog steeds in dispuut met AfriForum wat die aangeleentheid tans verder eskaleer.
By navraag het Bill Hulme namens AfriForum se Stellenbosch-takbestuur gesê dat die munisipaliteit die organisasie met ‘n beperkte aantal opsies laat:
“AfriForum het reeds besluit om onafhanklike professionele watertoetse te doen, nadat die munisipaliteit geweier het om toetsresultate beskikbaar te stel. Lg. behoort volgens wet openbare inligting te wees.

Die Eersterivier is steeds ‘n fokuspunt oor watergehalte in Stellenbosch.

“Ook oorweeg AfriForum om die Nasionale Inligtingsreguleerder te nader weens hierdie onreëlmatige optrede van die munisipaliteit wat baie inwoners onder die indruk laat dat groot probleme toegesmeer word. AfriForum Nasionaal het in ‘n mediaverklaring reeds gesê daar word geglo dat die munisipaliteit die waarheid van inwoners weerhou.
“Volgende stappe wat gedoen kan word, sluit in kriminele klagtes. Daar was onlangs op kabinetsvlak verwysings na baie sterker optredes teen munisipale bestuurders wat van ernstige besoedelingsprobleme bewus is en dit probeer toesmeer, of ignoreer,“ het Hulme gesê.

The Stellenbosch Municipality in a statement said this week they are proud of its transparent and collaborative approach with all stakeholders, including Afriforum.
“We value our relationship with Afriforum and have already engaged in several positive and constructive discussions that confirm our shared goal of protecting the environment and ensuring the well-being of our communities,’ Stuart Grobbelaar, municipal spokesperson, said in the statement.
“We are, however, aware of the ongoing campaign and attacks launched by Afriforum against the Municipality, targeting our integrity, the integrity of our processes, and the quality of work performed at our Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW). These claims are unfortunate and misrepresent the Municipality’s commitment to excellence in service delivery and environmental protection.
“The Stellenbosch WTW is fully compliant with the National Water Act and is audited and monitored by various independent organizations. We confirm that the plant has been performing very well this year and there is no cause for concern. The Municipality is welcome to receive any test results which we can compare with our own results for a specific period and taken at specific locations.
“We also conduct independent tests via a third-party entity for further transparency, as is required by National Legislation. We are confident of our plant’s treated effluent. It is very dangerous to create an impression of poor quality of treated effluent,” Stuart said.
He said the Municipality is fully accountable to its oversight entities concerning treated effluent quality and have a very constructive and transparent relationship with them, in terms of the applicable legislation.
“On 29 September 2023, Afriforum submitted a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request, seeking comprehensive information beyond just water quality results. The Municipality has processed this request in accordance with legal requirements, providing all information legally permissible while withholding certain confidential documents as required.
“On 10 August 2023, the Municipality welcomed Afriforum representatives for a constructive meeting where relevant issues were openly discussed. During this engagement, Afriforum offered support services, which the Municipality politely declined, as we are bound by applicable procurement legislation. Afriforum followed up with a letter on 14 August 2024, to which the Municipality reiterated the importance of transparent procurement processes.
“Afriforum members conducted an independent visit to the Stellenbosch Wastewater Treatment Plant without prior approval or an appointment. As is standard practice in any municipality, public access to such facilities is restricted for safety and regulatory reasons. Afriforum was then referred to the Office of the Municipal Manager to formally request access,” Grobbelaar continued.
According to Grobbelaar water quality in Stellenbosch is rigorously tested by skilled staff and audited by independent bodies to ensure compliance with the Department of Water and Sanitation standards. Efforts to improve staff skills and increase capacity are ongoing, ensuring the discharge of safe effluent water into rivers at standards that protect the environment.
The Municipality remains committed to protecting the environment, promoting public health, and operating within regulatory standards and transparent practices.
“Despite the ongoing criticism, we stand by the integrity of our operations, our state-of-the-art facilities, and the hard work of our dedicated staff. We appreciate Afriforum’s contributions and welcome continued cooperation for the benefit of all residents,” he concluded.
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